Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Since we are without a student minister at this time, the honor fell to me to take children bowling this past Saturday. There were five children that attended and they all had a different response to the activity.

One asked, "Am I winning?" after every turn at which I could answer in the affirmative because she got to utilize the bumpers because of her age, while the other kids did not have that luxury.

One said, "It doesn't matter who is winning, because I am having fun!"

One said, "I am bored."

One said, "It's not fun, because I'm no good."

One was distracted by his phone and some deer hunting game that he was playing and would have to be reminded to play.

Of course it was bowling but I learned that these five children demonstrated five different attitudes that we can have toward the life that we are living.

Some of us are so obsessed with if we are winning in the sense that we are beating the other guy or gal. Am I more successful in my job? Do I have the bigger and better toys? Are my children the most well-behaved? Do I have the happiest marriage?

Some of us are bored with life. We have lost sight of the great opportunity we have and the limited time that we possess. We are simply going through the motions when it is our turn to participate, doing as little as we can to get the job done and simply going through the motions to let someone else have a turn.

Some of us are hedonistic about life. As long as it is fun, brings pleasure, feels good, I will do it. Unfortunately there is a lot about life that is not fun in the least but must still be lived: taxes, problems, trials, death, sickness, and bad days. Though we are not comparing ourselves to others we miss out on the lessons that can be learned in the difficult times.

Some of us are negative about life. We do not think it is worth living because we are not good at it. We mess up. We fall into temptation. We are never satisfied. We covet the lives of others. We wonder why we can't use the bumpers when the little child does and we were able to use the bumpers just last year. We don't want to move forward and we stagnate.

Some of us are distracted in life. We are not focused on the task at hand and we let other things interfere with our living. It could be past mistakes, the opinion of others, a job, entertainment, or simply laziness. Before we know it time has passed us by and we are eighty years old and we realize that we have never lived.

Jesus came so that we could have life and have it to the fullest, abundant. We are to mind our own business, rejoice in all things, redeem the time,  understand the blessing of being a child of the King, and press on toward the prize. Live life to the fullest. Live life in the will of God. Live life so there will be no regrets (or at least very few) after its short duration. Live life to where there will be something eternal to show for it. Live.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Change of Direction

I don't know if anyone reads this blog anymore since there hasn't been any posts since 2010 but the reason there have not been any posts is because of the purpose of the blog. It was about the journey to my first pastorate, which ended at Guthrie Baptist Church where I have served for nearly 4 1/2 years.

I am changing the direction of the blog: It will be about what God is teaching me as a pastor one day at a time (or week, or month). I hopefully will have something to look back on to see how God has grown me and maybe even provide some encouragement to you who read the posts. I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I do writing them.

On Wednesday nights we are studying 1 Thessalonians and we were looking at the last part of Chapter 2. Paul speaks to the persecution that the Thessalonians had suffered at the hands of their own countrymen just as the Paul, Silas, and Timothy were persecuted by their own countrymen. Persecution can come from anywhere. Paul wants to encourage the believers to continue living in a way that is worthy of God even in the face of persecution and so I believe he gives them three truths that we need to hold dear as we face persecution:

First, those that are persecuting us are adding to their sins daily and wrath has overtaken them. Through our faithfulness one of two things will take place: they will see the change that has been brought about in our lives and change as well by repenting of their sin and believing in Jesus or they will not and get what is coming to them because they will reap what they have sown. God has not forgotten one thing the lost persecutor does to us. We should pity them and do all we can to win them to Christ before it is too late.

Second, we are not alone. Though Paul, Silas, and Timothy had to leave physically, emotionally they were still there. Though we have One that is better than those great missionaries, the Holy Spirit of God that will never leave us or forsake us. He will comfort. He will convict. He will counsel. We have the church and we have God Himself there to help us through the trials of persecution and there is always great hope in knowing that you never have to go through anything alone.

Third, we are dear to others. Paul says they are their hope, joy, crown, and glory. There are people that want what is best for us even if there are those that want us to experience evil. There are those that we encourage to continue on in their work because we are in their lives. There are those that we bring a smile to their face because we are in their lives. We are crown of boasting and the glory of another, which they will cast at the feet of Jesus and redirect to Him for He is worthy.

Whatever persecution we may face (maybe not as severe as some but persecution nonetheless) God knows, we are not alone, and we are loved by others. Hang in there! Keep up the good work! Don't give up! Love your enemies, bless those that curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you. After all, our suffering for the sake of the Gospel allows us to partake in the sufferings of Christ, which is the greatest honor that any Christian can receive.